Hogwarts Lewdgacy [apk] [Final] [MultisekaiStudio]||[VN] [Unity] [Completed]

Harry and Hermione face off in a simulated duel, later Hermione asks for a rematch.
Hogwarts Legacy is an experiment and tribute released at a convenient time. I can’t wait to play the correct game, Developing this game is a good excuse to make the joke about “Oops! I downloaded the wrong game!”
Hogwarts Lewdgacy (108MB)
โข Swipe up to save menu
โข Swipe down to hide windows
โข Swipe left to rollback
โข Swipe right to skip

Also, I would gladly watch a 20s or 30s advt instead of so many pop up spam. Please consider switching to a less noisy ads experience
The link doesn’t seem to work anymore. The mga.nz link is down