A Family Venture [apk] [v0.08v4b]+[Multi Mod][WillTylor]||[Ren’Py]

Tony owes a huge amount of money to the Mafia, but when he ends up in prison, the responsibility of the debt falls to his only son, the mc, Ryan. Help Ryan develop his relationship with his mother and two sisters. With his father gone, there is nothing stopping the development of his Oedipal complex. And don’t forget the weekly payments to the mafia, because if they don’t receive their money, they will still take what they are owed in other ways.
โข Main event: Date with Jacky (Caretaker) continued after last updates shopping and dinner event. There are three separate branches through this event. This is the event we’ve all been waiting for! Jacky stars in this event.
โข Yard Event: After unlocking the new yard area from last update, this event is accessible by going into the yard on Sunday mornings. This event is actually a series of events that builds with your progress and is completable after the election. This event involves Mandy and Lauren
โข Club Event: This event is only on the NTR route. It’s the final part of a series of events that was partially played out in the last update. The event involves Jacky and Sidney
โข Random Morning Event: This event is a loyalty event for those paying Jacky’s Mafia debt every week. It will appear randomly on a Sunday after the club pool event.
โข Face Cards: Three new cards. One you will receive as an achievement, and two you can find in the AFV world after certain events are complete. Happy hunting!
Notes for the Alpha: The main event has two branches that are NTR, and these branches can have partial access to the other. Since this would give the NTR players more content, I balanced it out by adding an extra scene and animations to the Loyalty event. So if you’re playing loyalty route, make sure you go on the date again after the main event because the extra scene that is available the second time around has my favorite animation from the entire update.
I think we got all of the main bugs in our Alpha testing, but there are always more found in the beta so don’t forget to report errors on the Discord. Specifically on the #bug-report channel. If you don’t have access to the discord, feel free to message me here.
The Android is coming. Cybeon said he might be able to find time this weekend to put it together, but more likely he won’t have time until Tuesday.
And finally, thank you all so much for supporting the game! your support and patronage very very much appreciated! Thank you, thank you thank you!!
And finally, you’ll find the links to the alpha build below. I hope you enjoy it!
A Family Venture Mod(640MB)
โข Displays points for important choices.
โข Option to view multiple scenes for certain choices.
โข Optional Auto Advertising Feature.
โข Optional Auto Likes Income Retrieval (Does not include outfit sales or supporter income once unlocked).
โข Unlocks Replay Gallery as well as, Phone & PC Image Galleries.
โข Swipe up to save menu
โข Swipe down to hide windows
โข Swipe left to rollback
โข Swipe right to skip