Four Elements Trainer apk [v1.0.6e] [Mity]||[Ren’Py]

Four Elements Trainer is a massive undertaking set in the universes of Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, and will be four complete games all united into one. Along the way, you’ll find plenty of (fuckable!) characters, quests, stories, fights, and mysteries to unlock.โ
I’m going to forget a lot of the smaller changes and stuff I did like the changes I did to the volleyball game during book 2’s love route on Ember Island, but the biggest changes are as follows.
– You’ll be required to find food and drinks for a party. Hint, scenes which take place at the beach are where you’ll do most of your searching.
– There will be a scene with Zhuli and Varrick using a bottle
– Sex with katara, while everyone watches.
– Bumfun with Nagina or the spirit depending on whom you chose. If you ended up with the serpent no bumfun because the white serpent doesn’t buttocks.
– One of the elder council will show you how to use a stalagmite(optional of course)
-sex with Nami, Una, Lyka, , Anka and mysterious shadow girl(? also optional)
-added the option to come inside Lyka and Anka’s mouth during the scene where they enter Nami’s store.
-you’ll fight a sssserpent!
-meet Sokka
-measure and compare Rei/Ajala’s biceps
-Serial fucking everyone on Ember Island island during the party(As you might imagine I took some major shortcuts to make this possible so don’t let your fantasy go wild)
I think that should be all. Like I said, once you see Ikki jump(you’ll know it when you see it) you’ll have reached the end of the build.
Bottle locations. Just some pointers. 2 from the beifong sisters, 2 from opal, 1 from izumi(bj scene), 1 from hawky, 1 from fishtits(talk to asami and ky
a first), 1 from tylee(before handjob scene), 1 from katara on the beach, 1 from zhuli (during the new scene with her and varrick)
Where to stack them?! Somewhere dark!
More Bugfixes
The biggest problem was the possibility to end up with 9 instead of 10 bottles which could stop your progress entirely(Zhuli’s bottle part was bugged and you could get that too early). I took out that bug and added a retroactive fix which, if you already “stepped into it”, should get you out. walk around the island for it to take effect. You’ll get a message you found a bottle when it triggers. Otherwise you’ll have to reload the save file before you took Zhuli’s bottle.
I added some other minor bugfixes for if you couldn’t find enough driftwood, couldn’t get enough money for Katara’s ring, added some pubes/armpit hair when needed, gave Ikki a properly drawn body when mimicking evil knievel and that sort of minor things.
I’m going to forget a lot of the smaller changes and stuff I did like the changes I did to the volleyball game during book 2’s love route on Ember Island, but the biggest changes are as follows.
– You’ll be required to find food and drinks for a party. Hint, scenes which take place at the beach are where you’ll do most of your searching.
– There will be a scene with Zhuli and Varrick using a bottle
– Sex with katara, while everyone watches.
– Bumfun with Nagina or the spirit(left both accessible for bughunt purposes but if you got the white serpernt, that should work too)
– One of the elder council will show you how to use a stalagmite(optional of course)
-sex with Nami, Una, Lyka, , Anka and mysterious shadow girl(? also optional)[
-added the option to come inside Lyka and Anka’s mouth during the scene where they enter Nami’s store.
-you’ll fight a sssserpent!
-meet Sokka
-measure and compare Rei/Ajala’s biceps(only if you already asked rei to measure her before)
-Serial fucking everyone on Ember Island island during the party(As you might imagine I took some major shortcuts to make this possible so don’t let your fantasy go wild)
I think that should be all. Like I said, once you see Ikki jump(you’ll know it when you see it) you’ll have reached the end of the build.
Four Elements(744MB)

Please mod this grinding game
the file in the mega no longer exists so it can’t be downloaded maybe you can fix it
Where the file ? Can you repair file download?
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